Grind Culture, which is rooted in capitalism is a scam that has tricked us into glorifying the grind, chasing the hustle, even when we are burnt out and broken. It propels the myth that our happiness is on the other side of the grind even when the grind is at the expense of ourselves. 

This society was created to ensure we move, and work like machines, the path to our wholeness is to do the complete opposite. To slow TF down and sometimes to stop completely.  Our nervous systems and souls need rest.


Think about the last time you played.  I mean really played. Shouldn't you have access to that more often? 

Our society is structured in a way that everyone doesn't have access to play. Most of us don't have a childhood due to systemic violence and if we did, the world quickly tells us to “stop playing” and “grow up”. 

But who does “growing up” benefit?

Play is where we dream, create and imagine new possibilities and connect. It forces us to be present, in our bodies and connected to the world around us.

“White supremacy isn't the shark, it's the water.” — Kyle "Guante" Tran Myhre

Though often minimized to a person or group i.e, a “White supremacist”.

White supremacy is a web of interlocking, reinforcing institutions: political, economic, social, cultural, legal, military, and educational, all with the goal of maintaining and defending a system of wealth, power, and privilege that ultimately benefit people who have access to whiteness.

These systems are (but are not limited to) Racism, Colorism, Capitalism, Imperialism, Sexism, Ableism, Nationalism, Classism, Sizeism, Transphobia, Featurism and etc, which touch and dictate norms and standards in every part of our lives. 

Our full humanity and liberation will emerge as we rid ourselves of the virus that is white supremacy to recalibrate what we deserve and the world that we can create, together.


Like many, 2020 changed everything for me. Dealing with crippling grief and fear while processing the uncertainty of the world. I was forced to slow down- to see my life without distraction and fight for my sanity. 

It was then, that I decided I was going to begin “frolicin” which for me meant chasing my wholeness, by any means necessary. I also realized, what my wholeness required, was the direct opposite of social norms shaped by white supremacy.

And so I frolicked…….

Slowly I noticed people responding to my journey and started to proclaim they were “frolic’in” too. I knew WE were on to something.

 It was then I began to think: Imagine if we all decided to chase our freedom, and joy on wholeness by any means.. What kind of world would that create?

It was then #FrolicCulture became a call to action - to make daily decisions to center your “wholeness” and to use those intentional choices as a way to reject/divest from white supremacy.

Now, almost two years since my first journey, and building a community of fellow frolic-ers now called the #frolicfam we are building a movement. 

A movement that aims to create a society that centers rest and play as a way to divest from white supremacy to reclaim our wholeness and humanity.

Join us!